Patent Infringement Analysis Depends on a Thorough Understanding of U.S. Law

9 years ago

Patent infringement analysis is only as good as the expertise of the analyzers--specifically, their understanding of United States patent laws. According to…

What to Think About Before Purchasing an Established Business

9 years ago

Some entrepreneurs believe existing businesses, with an established business valuation, pose less risk in the purchasing process. While this may be…

IP Valuation: Why is Your Valuation So Important?

9 years ago

What is IP, and Why Does IP Valuation Matter? IP valuation is the process of determining the market value of "intellectual assets".…

Increasing IP Revenues through Royalty Audits

9 years ago

Is your royalty payment trending too low?  Calling for royalty audits can put a trusted third-party into the books, combing for…